Seiken Parts

Brake Parts Line Up

Brake Master Cylinder

  Brake Master Cylinder

is a device which transforms power from a brake pedal into liquid pressure. Its inside is likely to have sludge and rust which scar rubber cups, and which lead leaking of brake fluid and lack of the pressure.
Periodical inspection and upgrade for the cylinder is important.

Brake Master Cylinder Repair Kit

  Brake Master Cylinder Repair Kit

is a spare part set for a brake master cylinder. Sludge from rubber cups and a cylinder make brake fluid dirty.
In case the brake fluid becomes badly dirty, the repair kit should be replaced.

Wheel Cylinder -Front-

  Wheel Cylinder -Front-

is to cntrol brake shoes by liquid pressure from a master cylinder. It is likely to be rust because of heat and water, and should be replaced when rusted.

Wheel Cylinder -Rear-

  Wheel Cylinder -Rear-

is to cntrol brake shoes by liquid pressure from a master cylinder. It is likely to be rust because of heat and water, and should be replaced when rusted.

Wheel Cylinder Cup Kit

  Wheel Cylinder Cup Kit

is a rubber cup set for a wheel cylinder. The rubber cups are worn out by the movement and scarred by sludge. In that case, efficient liquid pressure cannot be kept.

Caliper Seal Kit

  Caliper Seal Kit

is a spare part set for disc brake calipers. Rubber seals deteriorate with heat and water. Due to this, the piston might not be able to move smoothly, and brake pads might be worn out quickly. Deteriorated slide pin boots may cause the same.

Cup Tool S200

  Lever Cap Kit

Part set for a disc caliper with a parking brake

Brake Hose

  Brake Hose

must have flexibility and ability to keep liquid pressure. It is damaged by sand, pebbles, water, oil, ozone, etc. so the periodical replacement is essential.

Clutch Parts Line Up

Clutch Master Cylinder

  Clutch Master Cylinder

is a devise which transforms power from a clutch pedal into liquid pressure. Its inside is likely to have sludge and rust which scar rubber cups to lead leaking of brake fluid and lack of the pressure.
Periodical inspection and replacement is imortant.

Clutch Master Cylinder Repair Kit

  Clutch Master Cylinder Repair Kit

is a spare part set for a clutch master cylinder. Sludge from rubeer cups and a cylinder makes brake fluid dirty. In case the brake fluid badly dirty, the repair kit should be replaced.

Clutch Operating Cylinder

  Clutch Operating Cylinder

is a devise which controls a clutch with liquid pressure from a clutch master cylinder. Its inside is likely to have sludge and rust which scar rubber cups to lead leaking of brake fluid and lack of the pressure.
Periodical inspection and replacement is imortant.

Clutch Operating Cylinder Repair Kit

  Clutch Operating Cylinder Repair Kit

is a spare part set for a clutch operating cylinder. Sludge from rubeer cups and a cylinder makes brake fluid dirty. In case the brake fluid badly dirty, the repair kit should be replaced.

Drive Shaft Parts Line Up


  Drive Shaft Boot

is a protection boot of a drive shaft for FF cars, 4WD cars, etc. If the boot is broken, grease leaks from the boot, and the drive shaft rusts.
Periodical check of the boot is essential.


  CV Joint Grease

is lubricant grease which is enclosed into a drive shaft boot. It is useful for preventing CV joint bearing from wearing out. There are 2 types: for outer and for inner.
Old one should be removed completely before filling new one.


  Suppliment Grease

is added into CV joint grease in order to dcrease noise from CV joint bearings.


